Ive been tagged my my good friend Cassie. Here are the intimate details on my marriage...hah!
Whats his name? Michael Aaron Halliday
How old are you? 32
Who said "I love you" first? Who knows. Probably me...im like that.
How long did you date? Tooooo long! Lets see...on and off in high school (my fault)..I should add I was his first date. Then 2 years after his mission. Man! I couldn't get that guy to marry me!
How old is he? 32
Who can sing better? ....what was the question?
Who is smarter? He is. He has a lot of common sense, which I don't really have. Plus, he made it thru law school hardly studying. I barely made it thru music school, and I studied all the time.
Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but if he sees Im slacking, he'll do it.
Who does the dishes? We both do.
What are his guilty pleasures? Guilty???? um... sports maybe? He loves to play basketball (3X a week!). He loves to watch TV. He loves cartoons. His favorite is Looney Toons. Also, he LOVES chocolate caramel shakes - made by him.
Who sleeps on the right? He does - unless he is saying his prayers on my side of the bed, then I snuggle into his side, and he hates getting into a warm bed so I just stay there.
Who mows the lawn? I do....well, we both do.
Besides you, who's his best friend? He has so many good friends. Hes that kind of a guy. but I would say: Bub, Dana, Richard, Scott, Rudi, Dave & Dave
Who cooks dinner? Who ever. Usually me, but when im working than its up to him.
Who drives?He does, he dispises my driving.
Whos more stubborn? He is
Who kissed who first? I think he kissed me, but Im sure that I gave every hint...
Who asked who out first? He asked me to "Ides of March"...I think thats what it was called. Cassie told him I would say yes (thanks cas).
What was your first date? A school dance. We wore matching GUESS shirts. I think I had a piano recital that night, so he also went to that. boring.
Who proposed? He did..finally!
Who has more siblings?I do. I have 5 he has 3.
Who wears the pants? I just asked michael his answer for this question and he said..." We both have a pair". hilarious!

What is your favorite thing about him? Oh Geez... this sounds corney, but everything! He is so much fun, he is so thoughtful. A great father! A great husband! Great in the Sack! He calms me and makes me laugh. He is supportive. He works hard in all he does and always is successful. He looks good in anything he wears. He's a great cook, great singer, great athlete... He just makes me so happy all the time. Ours is a happy home - no fighting or complaning, just fun!
He completes me.
I love ya babe!
Amy thanks for playing along!!! That was fun to relive some of those memories with you. Like going to Ides, remember I went with Randy and YES we did go to your recital first. Fun memories back then but aren't you happy they are just memories? I love where I am at in life right now I would never want to go back. I love ya!!!
that was FUN to read, it is so great getting to know more about friends from high school--you both are too cute!!
That was totally fun to read...I love that picture of you guys on your wedding day...so beautiful!!! I love that you both have a "pair of pants"! I'm going to start using that one!!! We need to get together....soon....
I love this! I always knew you guys would end up together...eventually. :) Love you!!!
Yes, I love this post too...but I love it even more that your are touting the fabulous qualities of a particular tampon brand on your blog. You are hysterical!
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