These pics are from Christmas - I haven't uploaded any more recent.
Lets see, since my last Blog....I had TWINS! Mary Ann: 6 lbs, 9 oz & Michael Jr.:5 lbs 1 oz.
They are such good babies....I would have preferred them come one at a time, but that being said, they are good babies.
Some days I feel like I am totally on top of everything - the laundry is done, the bathrooms cleaned. Then the next day is total chaos and I can't remember my own name or the names of my children.
I have been surprised lately by the trials of others. People that I know are fighting cancer, divorcing, facing gambling or pornography problems, bankruptcy, grieving the loss of a loved one, etc... When I think of these people I ache for them, and almost feel guilty about the blessings that I have received. I know that I will need to endure my share of trials, but the trials of others seem so much greater than mine. They seem so much stronger than I could ever be. I admire them.
"Mom....Im ready for church!"

How happy I was to see your name at the top of the most recently updated blogs when I turned on the computer this morning! You're super-woman! Great to see pics of the kiddos. Rydge still talks about all of them...we miss your family! You look marvelisto~ how's the marathon training coming??
Hey! You came out of the blogging bat-cave!! Glad to read your post. Seeing other people's problems sometimes helps us put our own in perspective. I think you're doing dang good. See you saturday for 10 miles of agony!
You are an amazing mother. I think of you often and wonder how you keep everything so together. Love to see pics of the family...keep up the good work!:)
Hurrah! Amy Jo is back in blogland!!! Welcome!
And, dude!, YOU are one of the people I admire for how well you just seem to roll with things. Seriously. Your experiences with Carly, and now with such a FULL and active family...you are incredible!!!
(Hm, it appears I am developing an overfondness for the exclamation point. Er, I mean, !!!!!!)
Don't let blogging overwhelm you. We can totally cut you a bit of slack but we love to hear from you and see pictures of your precious fam. So even tiny little stories or pictures are enough to keep your fans happy.
LOL. (And for you that can mean "lots of love"!)
Hip Hip Hooray!!! I was so surprised when I checked your blog and it was updated!!! YEAH, I am so happy and HELLO a Marathon...You are my hero, seriously that just totally blows my mind...YOU are super woman!!! I love ya and really want to see those cute kiddos of yours, any chance of coming to Utah any time soon????? We would love to have you stay with us...By the way when is the marathon? Sheesh your amazing!!! (I too am loving the exclamation point these days!)
Welcome back!! You look great in your pictures, as always. You are awesome! Raising 4 young children and running a marathon. Wow!
I'm so glad to see another post! I almost didn't browse to your page because I didn't think you'd have time... You truly must be superwoman to raise 4 little ones get your laundry done and blog at the same time. You're my hero!
It is so good to see an update! You are a superwoman!
Oh my gosh...it's good to see you...even if it's in a picture on your blog from Christmas. I miss you...hopefully we can get together soon now that life is getting back to normal around here!
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