Sunday, January 6, 2008

Our Primary girl!!

Hannah started primary today! She was such a darling. While the other kids were crying, she was confident and happy sitting in her seat. She sang her little heart out on "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" and "I am a Child of God". She listened and was reverent during the scripture and talk. We had talked about Primary so much that she was so excited and knew exactly what she wanted to wear: her polka-dot dress. I know she will have her days of "not so good" behavior, but today she was a darling and I actually had a moment of ..."oh no! my baby is growing up!".

Also - I am a horrible picture taker - that is why the pictures are blurry.

Megans hair is soooo fluffy!!!

After chruch with her "I am a Child of God" crown on. This must have been a very special crown, because they usually don't even make it into the car.
It was about 40 degrees outside! My girls love to play in the hose - but they have to have their swimsuits on. CRAZY! Dosen't Megan look so sweet?


Cassie and Chad said...

What sweet girls, I love the hair!!! I bet they are full of personality, how could they not be with you and Mike as Mom and Dad! Cute, Cute!!

Amy said...

The picture of the girls together is adorable! I think it is hilarious that all your Meagan photos show the binky!

Natalie said...

Cute pictures! Megan reminds me of some of my beehives - time to sit like a lady! But, if it's a diaper or barbie underwear showing, that's quite alright.

becca said...

They are so cute together! How exciting for hannah to be in primary.

stephanie said...

hey amy jo, i found your blog off of cassies and i just wanted to say hi and that your girls are adorable!!! i love the first day of sunbeams it so bitter-sweet, because that always meant my babies were growing up, but always a fun day!!

Arin said...

Can you believe the munchkins are in primary...little Sunbeams! Doesn't seem all that long ago the guys were taking the bar, Hannah was just a teeny tiny little baby, and Jameson hadn't even arrived yet! Amazing how quickly they grow...totally having one of those moments myself!!!