Saturday, December 29, 2007

Great Week!

What a great week it has been! Christmas was so beautiful - and a little snow fall made it even better! The girls were so sweet on Christmas morning. They were so happy and excited. Hannah could not believe that Santa ate her cookies!
The night before, Michael and I sat looking at all the gifts that our girls would be getting... from us, grandparents, cousins, etc. It was so much! So, we chose out 3 presents for each girl and we took the rest back! We even took back the big dollhouse that we had been talking about for weeks. It just seemed so excessive.
As usual, Michael returned most of his gifts - I am a horrible gift buyer!!! Some people have a knack for it, and I do not! I think he kept 1 shirt. ugh.
I on the other hand, loved all of my gifts and did not take one thing back.
I have loved this week listening to Hannah sing all the Christmas songs. My personal favorite that she sings is "Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God in the Hiiiiighest!". What a darling.


Cassie and Chad said...

It sounds like your girls have been extra good this year. It also sounds like you had a marvelous Christmas I bet your girls were fun!

Amy said...

It is so funny that you returned so many of your girls' gifts! But I totally understand...we still haven't opened all ours (doing different family gatherings at different times) and already I'm thinking that Soren's gotten enough. I think we'll keep what we bought him until his birthday. Wow, I'm impressed with myself having his birthday shopping done 4 months early! ;-)

Jen said...

I'm so proud of you! Every year I promise my self I won't go overboard, but I always do. And it never matters... Three or four presents would have been just as nice. Great job mom!!

Natalie said...

I, on the other hand, think you're mean! Just wait till they're older and find out you swiped their presents! They'll never forget! Just kidding. You were smart.

becca said...

Smart thinking; it is so easy to go overboard. Unfortunately this past Christmas I think the only person I went overboard on was myself. I did not return anything. I think I have a problem.

Arin said...

Merry Christmas guys...or more like Happy New Year! I can't believe you returned all the're so good...I on the other hand revel in the excess LOL!